Home Education Courses

Home Education

National Indoor Climbing Award Scheme

(Taster £15/6 week course £100 per child)

IMPORTANT: If it is your first time, we highly recommend booking the Taster Session first to see if what we offer is suitable for your requirements.

Welcome to the Home Education NICAS Sessions at The Boardroom Climbing, Wimbledon!

Are you a home-educating parent looking for a unique physical education option? Our Home Education Climbing Sessions offer a fantastic opportunity for children aged 7 to 15 to learn under the NICAS framework in small groups of up to 8 participants.

The National Indoor Climbing Award Scheme (NICAS), is a UK-wide initiative that provides a structured, long-term approach to climbing development. It’s designed to introduce young climbers to the necessary skills and safety protocols, progressing through levels that offer a rounded introduction to the world of climbing.

The aims of the scheme are to develop climbing movement skills and improve technical ability: Learn how to use equipment: Develop risk management skills in the sport: To provide a structure for development, motivation and improved performance: To develop an understanding of the sport, it’s history and ethics: To provide a record of personal achievement.

More details about the structure, aims and levels of NICAS Bouldering.

But why choose bouldering for your child? Aside from the immediate thrill and excitement of the climb, bouldering brings a host of developmental benefits. Physically, it’s an all-in-one workout that enhances strength, agility, and balance. Mentally, it’s a cerebral game that improves problem-solving, focus, and resilience. Plus, the social benefits are not to be overlooked; teamwork, communication, and a sense of community are all integral parts of the experience.

Read about the benefits of bouldering for young people.

The club runs over 6 weeks during term time, same day and time each week. Choose your preferred day when booking. We are unable to change the day from week to week, and spaces are limited.