to climb for
Now being served
Full menu, eat in or out, and take-a-way!
Food served every weekday. Breakfast menu until midday, start times vary. Main menu midday until 9pm. Saturday and Sunday midday-5pm.
Cake and snacks all the time.
Please see the menu board for daily specials and current menu.
Our four amazing chefs Chris, Isis, Liam and Neil, create the most wonderful mouth watering snacks, meals and of course cakes!
Each dish is prepared from scratch on site with locally sourced produce whenever possible.
Every day is a pizza day (unless of course the chefs are off), using our freshly made dough and a range of toppings, stone baked to perfection. Keep an eye on the menu board for the pizzas of the day, and the dishes of the day.
Our freshly baked cakes and pastries vary from day to day and we always try to keep our speciality in… Tiffin!
To drink we have a large range of Tea Pigs and fine coffees made to order along with organic bottled soft drinks, speciality beers and ciders. No climbing once you’ve had an alcoholic drink though!
Our four amazing chefs Chris, Isis, Liam and Neil, create the most wonderful mouth watering snacks, meals and of course cakes!
Each dish is prepared from scratch on site with locally sourced produce whenever possible.
Every day is a pizza day (unless of course the chefs are off), using our freshly made dough and a range of toppings, stone baked to perfection. Keep an eye on the menu board for the pizzas of the day, and the dishes of the day.
Our freshly baked cakes and pastries vary from day to day and we always try to keep our speciality in… Tiffin!
To drink we have a large range of Tea Pigs and fine coffees made to order along with organic bottled soft drinks, speciality beers and ciders. No climbing once you’ve had an alcoholic drink though!